zaterdag 24 februari 2018

workshops Vliegerhappening 2018

De voorbereiding voor de vliegerhappening Linkeroever 2018 zijn weer gestart dit jaar.   Zoals elk jaar gaan we weer een paar honderd kinderen helpen de dag van hun leven te beleven  ;-)

Wil je meer weten over de vliegerhappening:   Click hier

woensdag 14 februari 2018

abdij van Villers

Very interesting place for KAP, walking and history:   Villers Abbey - Wikipedia

Etienne Debeusscher and I flew our kites over the abbey of Villers. The strong wind broke the spine of my rokakku (12mm fiber) when flighing 180 meter high.  My kite and Camera came down.  The camera wasn't damaged.   Enjoy the pictures of this marvelous please!   Thanks Etienne!

Some more abbey pictures:
- Villers
Tongerlo I
Tongerlo II
- Herkenrode

zaterdag 3 februari 2018

Rotor 10

The whole day it was raining in Ouddorp...but just 30 minutes after sunset it stopped raining.. That's the moment that I had to get my kites out !!
What a great moment to close a day at a too wet beach... now back in the hotel ;-)

Rotors and Bols: Cutting edge
Rotors and Bols: 1000 Holes overview
Rotors and Bols: 1000 Holes in Sola
Rotors and Bols: 1000 Holes
Rotors and Bols: 1000 Holes plan
Rotors and Bols:  Red Cyclope
Rotors and Bols: Black rotor in Windscape
Rotors and Bols: Black rotor in Antwerp
Rotors and Bols: